StellarRouter general routing work flow is simple. It forwards every incoming request, including all DICOM composite as well as normalized operations, and returns meaningful status and results (if there is any) to the client, as shown in the following picture.

Stellar Router is a powerful standalone DICOM Routing tool that-employs a combination of methods and software used to identify and transmit studies/ series/images produced at one site to a storage location at another site. Scenarios where routing can be used include the following:

  • Allow multiple SCUs(Clients) to perform composite and normalized DICOM operations on a remote PACS Server.
  • Allow SCUs to retrieve Images via C-GET, which is NOT supported by many PACS nowadays.
  • Designed to work with any DICOM-compatible viewer
  • Powerful logging and auditing for HIPAA
  • Rule-based routing
  • Workload sharing between institutions or service providers
  • Rapid access to exams at remote clinics or other facilities
  • Remote specialist interpretation or consultation
  • Off-hours, holiday, or emergency services
  • Off-site contract radiology services for primary interpretation


    1. Choose between Automatic Routing or Manual Routing

  • a. In automatic routing, newly acquired studies are sent to one or more destinations based on a pre-defined set of routing rules.
  • b. In Manual routing, manually selected studies are transmitted to one or more destinations using StellarWorks or Stellar Router
  • 2. Flexibility to configure and route to various destinations

  • a. Imaging destinations, which are typically used by PACS users for remote reading.
  • b. DICOM Storage SCP (Service Class Provider) destinations, which are typically Imaging components, such as a film printer or an external PACS or even to VNA systems
  • 3. Ability to communicate via HL7, ensuring a seamless transfer of patient demographics and report information between RIS systems

    4. Auto Listen-and Resend feature, in case of Transmission failures

    5. Provides cutting-edge Automatic pre-fetch option, based on the most relevant priors, based on any user-defined criteria, such as, study description, or Study UID

    6. Option to send/pull images in parallel, thus reducing wait times for viewing (study/series/instance level query/retrieve)

    7. Ensures parallel web send/retrieval as much as possible.


  • Easy setup and Installation times
  • Customizable Dashboard for easy management
  • Readily Available Remote Customer Support and Issue Management
  • Economic and flexible with any PACS/VNA system